
Balancing Your Content: Informative, Entertaining, and Promotional Posts for Social Media Success

Jul 3, 2024

To keep your audience engaged, your social media content should strike a balance between being informative, entertaining, and promotional. Achieving this balance is crucial for a successful social media content strategy.

Informative Content

Informative content positions your brand as an industry leader. Share insights, tips, and educational posts relevant to your niche. This could be in the form of how-to guides, infographics, industry news, or behind-the-scenes looks at your processes. Informative content builds trust and establishes your authority, making followers more likely to turn to you for expert advice.

Entertaining Content

Entertaining content is what keeps your audience coming back for more. This could include humorous posts, memes, engaging videos, or interactive content like polls and quizzes. The goal here is to create a positive association with your brand and encourage engagement. When your audience enjoys your content, they’re more likely to share it, increasing your reach organically.

Promotional Content

Promotional content is where you highlight your products or services. While it’s important, it should not dominate your feed. Share updates about new products, special offers, or customer testimonials. The key is to present promotional content in a way that feels valuable to your audience, rather than purely sales-driven.

Finding the Right Balance

A good rule of thumb is the 70-20-10 rule:

  • 70% Informative: Offer value through educational and informative content.
  • 20% Entertaining: Keep your audience engaged with fun and interactive posts.
  • 10% Promotional: Promote your products or services subtly and strategically.

By maintaining this content mix, you create a well-rounded social media presence that educates, entertains, and converts. Your audience will appreciate the variety, and you’ll see improved engagement and loyalty as a result.

Social Media
Written by:

Jeffrey Lucas

Professional Blogger
A tool created by Ambreen Sharif

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